
Apply Alberta:   is an online post secondary application system. Students can apply to one or more post-secondary institutions and authorize transcript transfers between participating institutions in the province. Only valid for post-secondary institutions in Alberta. You must set up an account and Apply Alberta account to apply for post-secondary institutions in Alberta. It is simple and efficient. You only need to enter your personal and academic information once - it is transferred automatically to each institution you choose. When you apply for a program at a post-secondary institution in Alberta, you authorize that particular institution to request your official transcripts from Alberta Education, which saves you time and money (it's free!). You will not be charged a fee for transcripts transferred through ApplyAlberta.

Scholarship Links:

Scholarship Tips 

PLSD Scholarship Applications This is a link to the Government of Alberta Alis site. It has all the information you need about Scholarships and Bursaries and other services available to you.  This is a link to the Alberta Student Aid Scholarship page  This is a link to many scholarship applications. : Sign up and  Scholartree will send you applications that match with your profile

4H Alberta links: 

AHSRA Scholarship: 

Blue Cross Scholarships:  

Information for calculating your Alexander Rutherford average click here. For application information follow this link:

Alexander Rutherford High School Achievement Scholarship

Alexander Rutherford had the distinction of being Alberta’s first Premier. He was known for his strong support of public education, particularly the University of Alberta, and his active involvement in community affairs. This scholarship named in his honor, rewards exceptional academic achievement at the senior high school level and encourages students to pursue post-secondary studies.

Purpose:  To recognize and reward academic achievement at the senior high school level and to encourage students to pursue post-secondary studies.

Value:  Up to $2,500

*Applicants must also have completed high school on or after September 30, 1980.

Selection:   A student must have a minimum combined average based on five designated courses in at least one grade: Grade 10, 11 or 12. A student does not need to meet this average in all three school years or in all courses to qualify for a portion of the scholarship. The minimum average, value of the award, and courses that can be used depend on the year the student graduated. For further information, see:

How to Apply   Student Aid Alberta is making applying for the Alexander Rutherford High School Achievement Scholarship easier by implementing a new online application process, and so you need to be aware of the following:

Terry Fox Humanitarioan Award - Open Nov 1st -Deadline Dec 1

Local Community Scholarship/Award Applications

Neutral hills Ag Society Scholarship Application.pdf
Coronation Consort Victim Services Scholarship Application 2024.pdf
Consort Agro Services award application.pdf
Consort School Scholarship and Awards Application.pdf
Consort Lions Scholarship Award.pdf
Veteran & District Lions Club Scholarship.pdf
Dave and Betty Malloy Student Award.pdf
2024 HGL Bursary Form.pdf
Discovery-Awards-Application 2024.pdf
Consort and District Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Application Form.pdf
Scholarship Myths.pdf
Scholarship Tips.pdf
Scholarship Links Document Feb 2023.pdf